just the highlights
[2005-02-05 - 12:56 a.m.]

Today started out rock bottom bad, and ended with me smiling and pinching myself and asking "did I REALLY just hear that?"

Wednesday night was a disaster at work b/c the unit isn't being run well, and everything came to a head. Thursday, my day off, I got a call at home. My boss attempted to place blame on me but I started to point out the obvious, and she changed direction and said 'well, just please come in and smooth things over with Mr. SoAndSo" which I agreed to do. That evening, at worship, I was reminded of Romans 12: 17, 18 that says to seek peace, persue peace, and don't attempt vengeance.

I had a rotten night sleep, but was determined to maintain personal integrity. The next morning I got up early, but I felt strange and went back to bed for another hour's sleep. The morning half gone, I showered/dressed for work, and made my way there on time. Low and behold, I was scheduled to work on a different unit, so I would need to wait perhaps another 3 or 4 hours before I could find time to talk to Mr. SoAndSo. After my lunch break, during which I prayed for peace, not just for myself but for a peaceful outcome in general, I snagged Judy, another new employee, who accompanied me to offer my apologies. I wanted a witness. The lowlight of my day lasted from the time I got up, until I walked out of that person's room at 8 p.m.

On the way home, I spoke to my oldest son Joe. Joe, the artist. Joe the trendy coffee bar guy. Joe the ultimate cooler than cool urban legend bohemian type person.

Something in his voice was VERY different. Normally he's soft spoken, mellow, very laid back. Typical stoner attitudes and verbiage. But here is my son Joe telling me that he's 25 (his b/d was just a couple of days ago) and he's been praying. My bohemian son hasn't worried about anything for a long time, but here he is telling me that he's worried that society is going toward great changes, and he wants to survive it. He said 'I"m not totally sure that I'm praying the right way but, anyway I am." When I told him my next day off was Thursday, which is meeting night, he asked if I could pick him up and take him. We'll talk again Thursday morning, and hopefully we can spend some time together.

So, feeling lifted, I finished the drive home in the dark and realized the highlight of my day was hearing that my son could be coming to terms with his spirituality.

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