Has anyone seen the winter placemats?
[2005-12-04 - 1:06 p.m.]

Most years, I get an evergreen centerpiece for the table. Then I switch out some of the more summery colors in the livingroom for deeper winter tones, and it starts to be wintery for me.

This year I haven't done that. The snow fell last night and I woke to see white glare coming thru the skinny slices of my window blinds. It made the room seem colder and more cluttered.

Travel posters for Egypt and a peachy pink silk rose bush in the livingroom will need to be swapped out for skiing posters and something evergreenish, if I get to it this week. I'll even take the table cloth with pictures of mixed drinks and palm trees off the table and cover it with white lace.

With a work a day, off a day, work a day schedule this coming week, it's anyone's guess if I can actually get this done. But then again, maybe I should have more faith. Yesterday, in 15 minutes, I dragged the rotisserie out, cleared off it's usual space on the counter, and threw a chicken onto it. This morning, before the pillow case wrinkles were out of my face, I had a banana bread into the oven. Less thinking about stuff, and more doing.

I'm gonna go find that lace table cloth.

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