I'll pass.
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Yesterday I was in the car when I heard that the next Olympics would take place in London. I thought 'Oh Yay!' but didn't say it out loud because I was alone.

This morning I read the news and thought 'Oy vey!' but again, kept quiet. My daughter is sleeping over on the couch.

It's not that I want spare her the worry. Ever since I learned, a long time ago, that we're living under the rule of the very last king talked about in the book of Daniel, our family doesn't take this kind of news as 100% depressing. Of course all the violence and ignorance is terrible, but at least I know the future isn't without hope.

This is the end of the line for people who insist on trying to rule without regard to dignity, integrity, and brotherly love. I can't imagine what our Creator feels when He sees us doing this to each other over and over again. We all have the capacity for kindness and reason, but they're neglected for greed and blind hate. Now, what interests me and keeps me from getting absolutely bummed out is that the Bible foretold this a long time ago. And despite the Bible having the widest distribution of any book ever written, most people don't realize it's worth reading. Or that it's worth taking seriously. Or even when folks do read it, they usually walk away not knowing the theme of it.

I think when Carole and I had that discussion about it, and I learned that the theme of the Bible is God's Kingdom, it was a turning point for me. How the need for the Kingdom was established: beginning. Who would be the King and the subjects: middle. What that kingship would mean for mankind now and on into the far future: end. To me this was more impressive than learning about why we die, or what the future holds for the Earth. Living in the USA, I sometimes have a bit of trouble thinking of myself as a subject in a kingdom, so I try to imagine if I lived during a different time, say back in colonial days (which I find interesting) I would have been a subject of either the King of England or under and American Indian Chief.

After reading the headlines, not from just today, but for most of my life, I think I'll be happy to be a subject of the heavenly Kingdom that Daniel spoke of. I've seen what man accomplishes when he tries to rule himself for a few hundred years and I'll pass.

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