not funny at all
[2004-12-04 - 11:06 a.m.]

I stood in the center of the parking lot, and looked up and around at the colors.

Here in Connecticut, one must go to a large open Walmart parking lot in order to see sprawling sky. Last night, over my right shoulder was soft pink fading into lavender. The colors prompted me to stop walking and take a good look. There was a clearing and the vibrant blue sky was framed in spots by rich yellow and white clouds which melt at the east edge into the pastel sky, where the pink and lavender were seperated by a short ribbon of rainbow.

(I wish I had a camera. The end of the rainbow seemed to pour down into the Ruby Tuesdays restaurant.)

Speaking of wishes, I got my laptop back. It was exactly where I thought it was, and his parents brought it over at 7 in the morning. They stood outside in the cold for half an hour waiting for someone to let them drop it off. They also said she isn't to call there, or go there any more. I wish they'd met me at the courthouse yesterday with it in tow.

Wish I could write more Diary, but I'm a busy lady with all this groundation to be accomplished. Ta.

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