nilla wafers fix everything
[2005-04-28 - 1:14 a.m.]

I'm still contemplating the whole 'eviscerate the proletariate' thing.

Why on earth did that remind me of ANYTHING? Wait, I don't want to know.


Onto more positive stuff: My latest lazy streak doesn't seem to be passing very quickly. The first streak lasted from around 8 years old until I turned 37 and someone told me, in a chat room conversation, THE UGLY, PAINFUL TRUTH. He was right, I had to admit it. And I got up and used my time much more efficiently, and my day went like this: 10 am get up, exercise, 1pm eat light lunch, 3-11pm work, 12md come home and play on my pc, 2 am sleep. Hoorah.

Pain can be a very good motivator. Maybe I just need to get hurt really bad again. See, when you perceive enlightenment and personal growth as pain, it's a bummer, no doubt, but you can still work with it. No pain, no gain.

But wait. Maybe that has a double meaning. AS in, 'if I don't have an abundance of emotional pain, i won't gain an abundance weight.' Confusion reigns supreme, as usual. Time for a fistfull of nilla wafers and a nap.

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